We at Happiest 5

Deliver the best services for the clients , from apps to website!

We got to serve some really cool clients, wanna join the tally?


Grow your revenue

Transform your business

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    Devops is the middle tier and neccesity of any app to work smoothly , acting as a bridge between client and server side. Our devops teams comes with good inudstry experience and keep the tech updated.

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    Our developers have great industry experience and help to determine the best techs required for an app and use latest tech to make app reliable and scalable.

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    We have excellent team of support which have extensive knowledge on tech used.

transform image


How we change the game

Front End

We use latest tech for the front end tech , exceling us in all aspects.


We have great backend team with us dealing with all sorts of servers and databases


We can handle all sorts of the data handling by our expert devops people.


When it comes to either logo design and flows and app design we get best of the best designs.

Support 24x7

We have great team of the support team which extends it support 24x7 with record 15 minutes of SLA.


We have great recruitment team which can help you with all those vacant positions to be filled in for the org

Are you excited

Well we are a young startup with a dedicated team , if you have scrolled down till here, its for sure that you are looking for the above team. We will be glad to connect with you and we can go a long way with the this relation. We arent there for short term and together we can grow much faster. So ... what are you waiting for :) , shoot us an email and we will take care of all the tech debts of yours

Our tech stacks

Love to hear from us ?

Lets talk...
  • React js

  • Javascript

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Php

  • jQuery

  • Python

  • dotNet

  • github

  • bootstrap

  • docker

  • JIRA

  • Linux

  • node js

  • Sass

  • Wordpress

  • AWS

  • Azure

  • Kubernetes

  • Container

  • Google cloud

  • Jenkins

  • Sonarqube

  • Cypress

  • MSQL server

  • React Native

  • Terraform

  • Open Shift

  • Apollo

  • Graphql

  • TypeScript

  • Next Js

  • Figma